October 29, 2023 | SlideUpLift

Why Consultants Choose to Outsource Presentations?

Presentations are the backbone of corporate, especially for Business Consultants. With different presentations to create on a weekly basis, learn why consultants choose to outsource their presentation needs to a presentation design agency.

Engaging presentations can captivate, inform, and inspire audiences in ways that mere words or data alone cannot achieve. It can drive decisions and motivate action, making it an essential tool for communicators and consultants.

Consultants link businesses seeking guidance and solutions that can transform their fortunes. In this dynamic profession, presentations are a critical bridge for conveying insights, recommendations, and strategies. Simply put, presentations are the backbone of consultancy, and their importance cannot be overstated.

However, the demand for consultants to be all-rounders often clashes with the constraints of time and resources, leading them to seek more efficient ways to create compelling presentations. This is where the concept of outsourcing presentations comes in. In this article, we will explore why consultants are increasingly choosing to outsource their presentations and the benefits it brings to their consultancy practices.

What is Presentation Outsourcing?

Presentation outsourcing is a business practice in which companies or individuals delegate the creation, design, and development of their presentations to external service providers or agencies. These presentation service providers are experts in creating visually appealing and effective presentations. Presentation outsourcing can involve various aspects of the presentation creation process, including content development, design, formatting, and even delivery coaching.

Presentation outsourcing is prevalent in corporate settings, where professionals often need to deliver high-stakes presentations to clients, investors, or stakeholders. It allows them to utilize the expertise of specialists in presentation design and delivery to make a stronger impact.

Overall, presentation outsourcing is a strategic approach; ensuring that presentations are informative, engaging, visually appealing, and tailored to the audience’s specific needs, leading to more successful and effective communication.

8 Reasons Consultants Choose to Outsource Presentations

Here are the reasons why consultants choose to outsource presentations: 

  1. Assisting the Graphic team
  2. Cost Saving
  3. Elevating Design Excellence
  4. Saves time and manual effort
  5. Improving Presentations for External Clients
  6. Helping Marketing Team With Professional Presentations
  7. Enhancing Visual Identity and Brand Impact
  8. Enhancing Company Presentation Portfolio

Assisting Graphic Team

If you’ve got a dedicated graphic team, chances are they’re constantly engaged in a variety of visual content creation. For your in-house designers, their hands are likely to be already full with daily design work. This is where outsourcing presentation design becomes an attractive proposition, lightening the load on your graphic team and enabling them to excel in their core responsibilities. 

This is especially relevant regarding one-off affairs presentations, as they can unexpectedly burden your design squad. By opting for a third-party provider for presentation design, you can efficiently delegate these occasional tasks that deviate from the routine.

Cost Saving

Outsourcing presentations to specialists saves the cost of consulting firms. Money spent on outsourcing presentations to an agency is less as compared to hiring an internal presentation designer. Everest Group’s study shows 30-40% cost savings in non-core tasks like presentation design and development, meaning $30,000 – $40,000 less yearly for every $100,000 spent in-house. Outsourcing PowerPoint presentation design services cut personnel costs and channels funds into core business pursuits.


Elevating Design Excellence

Professional presentation designers are true masters of their craft. Their expertise extends beyond mere illustrations; it encompasses the complex art of slide layout and the essential elements that elevate a presentation from good to exceptional. 

For instance, our team at SlideUpLift takes pride in its design and presentation services, having collaborated with organizations from diverse industries worldwide. This wealth of expertise is priceless when crafting professional PowerPoint presentations. It goes beyond just enhancing the aesthetics; it’s about leveraging this experience to create visually compelling presentations that immediately resonate with your audience, ensuring that your message hits its mark with precision.

It Saves Time and Manual Effort

One compelling reason that drives consultants to opt for presentation outsourcing is the ability to save time. For consultants, presentations are a constant in their professional toolkit, a means to secure clients and convey their findings.

However, crafting a compelling PowerPoint presentation is a time-consuming job, a truth well-known to anyone who’s wrestled with slides. 

By assigning presentation creation to external experts, consultants can free up their time for more urgent tasks or, better yet, for thorough rehearsal and refinement of their message.

Improving Presentations for External Clients

Your PowerPoint presentation serves as a virtual handshake with your external clients, making it a critical element in shaping their perception of you or your business. This is precisely why numerous consultants opt to outsource their external presentations. Especially in B2B presentations, the quality of your PowerPoint deck can be the key that sets you apart. A well-crafted presentation conveys your message effectively and projects an image of professionalism. It becomes an indispensable tool for cultivating a lasting positive impression.

Helping Marketing Team With Professional Presentations: 

Marketing consultants, in particular, find themselves in constant demand for presentations. Their role necessitates aligning their team’s vision, sharing comprehensive marketing strategies, and drawing new clients. PowerPoint presentations emerge as invaluable assets in these endeavors. A well-crafted marketing presentation possesses the potential to boost communication, both internally and externally.

At SlideUpLift, we offer specialized presentation services tailored for those needing regular updates of presentations. This approach ensures you always have a fresh presentation when required. Furthermore, our dedicated design team invests the extra effort to grasp your brand guidelines and preferences.

Enhancing Visual Identity and Brand Impact: 

Competition is often fierce in business presentations. Whether you’re looking for the attention of potential clients or investors, your presentation serves as a prime opportunity to etch your company into memory. To truly distinguish yourself, incorporating your brand’s color palette and focusing on your products and services can infuse your presentations with a distinctiveness that sets you apart from the crowd.

Moreover, this visual strategy enables you to communicate the core values you wish to associate with your business. A professionally designed presentation can give your brand a youthful, modern, or tech-savvy aura, depending on your objectives. By outsourcing your presentation design to experts, you gain the means to ensure your product and brand leave an indelible mark and resonate with your audience.

Enhancing Company Presentation Portfolio:

Consultants often turn to presentation outsourcing as a strategic move to strengthen their collection of essential presentations for future needs. The trick is knowing that the need for a polished presentation will arise sooner or later in the business. Many companies engage third-party providers to assist them in preparing documents they anticipate requiring. 

This proactive approach ensures that you always have a backup ready to roll for a crucial sales pitch or a comprehensive brand identity guideline. Another motive behind consultants’ decision to outsource presentations is the goal of custom Master Slides. This bespoke approach yields a new standard template pack as a timeless asset. 

You can unlock an easy presentation outsourcing solution with SlideUpLift’s premium presentation design services. Our expert team of Business Consultants and Presentation Specialists is fully committed to transforming your ideas into captivating visual narratives, ensuring your message resonates powerfully with your audience. 

By outsourcing your presentations to SlideUpLift, you gain more than just beautifully designed slides; you access efficiency, creativity, and professionalism. Let us be your strategic partner in crafting presentations that leave a lasting impact so you can focus on what you do best. Elevate your brand, streamline your messaging, and stand out from the competition with SlideUpLift’s presentation services.

Lastly, one of the most compelling reasons to opt for business presentation outsourcing is the sheer simplicity of the process. You can relieve yourself from the tedious task of crafting PowerPoint presentations and trust that you will receive an exceptional, entirely tailored design. As a result, you can relax, knowing that the burden of presentation creation has been lifted and a stellar, personalized result is on its way.


  1. Why do consultants outsource presentations?

    Consultants outsource presentations to save time and focus on their core expertise. Creating compelling presentations can be time-consuming, and outsourcing allows them to streamline their workload. Below are the reasons why consultants choose to outsource presentations:

    • to support the graphics team
    • to save costs
    • to elevate design excellence
    • to save time
    • to maintain consistent brand image
    • to make presentations more impactful

  2. Can outsourcing improve a consultant's portfolio?

    Yes, outsourcing presentations helps consultants build a collection of well-crafted presentations for future use. Custom templates and backup presentations are invaluable assets.

  3. Can I outsource an external presentation?

    Consultants often outsource external presentations to make a lasting impression. A professionally designed presentation helps convey professionalism and trustworthiness to clients and investors.

  4. How does the process of outsourcing presentations work?

    The outsourcing process is straightforward. After uploading your slides, you provide feedback and share requirements, and experts take care of the rest. It’s a hassle-free way to receive customized, outstanding designs.

  5. How do I outsource my presentations with SlideUpLift?

    To outsource your presentations to SlideUpLift, you can directly give us the requirements through our custom slide’s portal. If you have recurring presentation needs, you can explore our presentation services. Schedule a call to outsource now.

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