Product Description:

The Nancy Duarte Motivational Quote Template can help users to inspire and uplift the audience. It can be used in workshops, educational sessions, team meetings or any event where motivation plays a vital role. 

In these Motivational quote templates, you can find the image of Nancy Duarte on the left and the quote on the right. The gray background design highlights the message in a large white font. The quote states that slides are like windows, not billboards. They should frame your story, not become it. 

This template can be used by anyone looking to convey messages. It highlights the significance of storytelling in presentations. You can customize this template according to the requirements with PowerPoint.

Want templates for free? Our trial membership plan is just made for you! It gives you access to a wide range of free slideshow templates for you to try from the trial library.

We combined AI and human expertise to ensure high quality content for our users. We generated drafts using an AI language model with product images. Then, our expert editors and copywriters carefully edited the drafts to ensure quality content.