September 13, 2022 | SlideUpLift

The 5 Most Essential Google Slides Themes Every Business Professional Must Have

Making powerful and memorable Google slides presentations is a highly specialized talent that business people sometimes undervalue yet need it to thrive in the corporate world. However, that’s easier said than done. For many business professionals, making effective and well-polished presentations is the only thing standing between them and success.

Presentation themes are a perfect alternative for every ambitious business professional who lacks time to create a presentation from scratch. Business professionals can try Google slides themes, which are a collection of templates in google slides, carefully selected and produced to meet a specific business need.

Also, presentation themes can help you get over the presenter’s block because they give you a general idea of how your presentation will flow and what your story will be. In addition, having innovative themes that have been adequately created may guarantee that your presentations are engaging and aesthetically attractive to your audience, keeping their interest and curiosity.

Every business professional may require presentation themes at some point in their career, and SlideUpLift has one of the largest repositories of professionally designed premium and free google slides templates. You can also find free Google slides templates included in our collection of Google slides library.

In this blog, we’ve highlighted 5 essential google presentation themes for business people that they primarily need in their repertoire.

Business Case

Often, a business case presentation serves as your project’s Kickstarter. It includes important slides that describe the project rationale, issue description, use cases, and project scope to present your business case effectively. It also consists of an executive summary tailored to the subject, one of a business case’s most crucial slides. You can demonstrate the profitability and viability of your business idea using this google themes for slides.

Business Case Presentation

Business Case Presentation

Source: Business Case Presentation by SlideUpLift

In conclusion, it may not first appear important to write a business case. It is, however, an essential step in starting any successful project.

Business Proposal

A well-thought-out business proposal that uses your solution, service, or product to satisfy the customer’s demands is the first step in gaining access to business prospects. To make a good proposal, you need to explain the business problem in detail and articulate the solution in a credible, believable manner. The proposal document also outlines the planning, deadlines, and professional fees so that the customer feels confident entering a prospective partnership with you. As part of the proposal, the business should also demonstrate its capacity to complete the project smoothly.

This is undoubtedly a lot to ask, but who said doing business was simple? With the help of its Animated Business Proposal Theme Template, SlideUpLift has attempted to simplify this procedure. Numerous essential placeholders for proposal requirements are included in this template. Additionally, this design incorporates motion and transitions to give your proposal a classy, polished look. In the end, you receive compelling visual design and storytelling to market your business proposal and contribute to leaving your audience with a presentation they’ll remember.

Animated Business Proposal Presentation

Business Proposal Presentation

Source: Business Proposal Presentation by SlideUpLift

Your prospects of landing a customer may be made or broken by the business proposal you provide. As a result, it’s crucial to put time and effort into creating a top-notch business proposal presentation. Find out how to create presentations for business proposals that work best.

Business Strategy

Being an entrepreneur or business professional entails using business strategy. After all, no successful business has ever begun without a solid business plan. A reliable business strategy document should include:

  • External analysis
  • SWOT analysis
  • Information on the competitive environment
  • Connections to strategic imperatives
  • An execution method

It meets the demands of various stakeholders, including team members, investors, and management. These topics are covered by the SlideUpLift Business Plan theme, which also includes a handy executive summary that will help you concentrate on and emphasize the most important components of your strategy. This aesthetically appealing presentation theme also carefully considers a color palette and other visual design components to make your presentation distinctive and captivating. 

Business Strategy Presentation Deck

Business Strategy Presentation Deck

Source: Business Strategy Deck by SlideUpLift

The business plan provides a feeling of concentration. It aids in establishing priorities for the organization so that they are generally in business with its aims and objectives. A successful business is built on a solid foundation created by an intelligent business plan.

Business Goals

OKR, or “Objectives and Key Results,” is a well-known framework businesses use to quantify and examine their ultimate objectives. Our OKR Deck is a collection of businesses’ most important OKR templates to manage their goals. Both individuals and teams can use it to define goals together and produce quantifiable outcomes. This is a fantastic tool for defining goals since it emphasizes the need to plan and structure your actions following your business’s overarching goals.

OKR Planning Deck

OKR Planning Deck

Source: Business Goals Planning Deck by SlideUpLift

This OKR deck enables individual contributions to be recognized while bringing everyone together to work toward a shared objective, making it the ideal template for outlining and executing your business goals.

Business Review

Any business’s health and viability depend on having regular Business Review meetings. A helpful business review enables you to keep an eye on the goals and comprehend your organization’s present situation. You can only have a productive talk about the subject if you have considered your contributions before the business review. The SlideUpLift Business Evaluation Presentation Theme gives you the ideal place to begin discussing the business review’s crucial points. This entails outlining the business backdrop, going through essential metrics in a scorecard-like manner, presenting information about these indicators, and outlining important projects and activities that could be in progress. 

 Business Review Presentation

Business Review Presentation

Source: Business Review Presentation by SlideUpLift

Tracking the long-term performance of your business or important project may be significantly improved by creating and conducting well-organized, frequent business review presentations.


A project manager can benefit from having a repository of ready-to-use Google Slide presentations. Instead of worrying about aesthetics, they focus on data and research, which helps them be more productive. Every business professional prefers to have a library of Google slides templates that are pre-designed, completely editable, and aesthetically pleasing, ready to be utilized at a moment’s notice to produce captivating and significant presentations for all business situations. You simply need to download Google slides templates as per your needs, modify the content, and you’re ready to go.

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