October 29, 2023 | SlideUpLift

In-house Design Team V/s Presentation Design Agency V/s Freelancer

There are different options available today if you want to create presentations, such as In-house design team, a presentation design agency or freelance presentation designers. It’s always a difficult choice when choosing one. Read more to know about all of them and how to choose one based on your presentation needs.

For an audience to be influenced and inspired to act, presentations must be educational and engaging. Whether they are utilized in business meetings, classrooms, or marketing initiatives, presentations are an effective tool for communication. The creative experts responsible for creating compelling and efficient presentations are known as presentation designers. They blend design principles with content knowledge to ensure that the message is visually captivating and properly transmitted. 

It could be difficult to choose the best arrangement for your design needs. It is essential to select the best solution to satisfy your unique objectives, whether you are a project manager or a business owner.

We recognize that making this choice can feel difficult, and we’re here to ease the burden. We have put up a thorough guide in which we thoroughly examine all of your alternatives, giving you the knowledge and confidence to choose. So let’s get started!

Different Ways An Organization Can Fulfill It’s Presentation Design Requirements

Organizations have several options to fulfill their presentation design needs:

    1. In-house Design Team: Internal teams dedicated to design tasks.
    2. Freelancers: Independent designers hired on a project basis.
    3. Outsourcing (Agency): Collaborating with organizations that provide specialized presentation design services.

In-house Design Team

In-house design teams are those that exclusively create designs for their company. They collaborate with several departments to fulfill their design projects, which include creating presentations, graphics for product logos, website pictures, social media advertisements, etc.

How much does hiring an in-house design team cost?

We took into account the following compensation information for design professionals in the US to calculate the cost of having an in-house design team:

    • Junior Designers (0–2 Years of Experience): Junior designers make an average annual salary of $53,000.
    • Designers at the mid-level (2–5 years of experience): Mid-level designers make roughly $62,000 annually on average.
    • Senior Designers: Senior designers (5+ years of experience) often earn $93,000.

Additional expenses for in-house design teams

Having an in-house design team has costs beyond just their salary. When figuring out the total cost, keep the following extra costs in mind:

    • Benefits: In addition to compensation, employers must pay for the healthcare, insurance, and retirement plans employees receive.
    • Business Costs: Keeping an internal design team running requires spending money on things like utilities, furniture, office supplies, and software licenses.
    • Tools and Software: Design teams need various tools, such as softwares for graphic design, prototyping, and project management.
    • Employing: If your project is just getting off the ground, you must invest in employing designers. This procedure can entail posting job openings online, holding interviews, and possibly collaborating with staffing firms.

Pros and Cons of an In-house Design Team:


    • More Cost Discretion: You can manage your spending if you hire in-house design teams. Unlike independent designers who bill by the hour or piece supplied, they will help you get the most out of the budget.
    • Better Communication with Stakeholders: Having an internal team makes it simpler for stakeholders to work with designers and be aware of their design preferences and company developments.
    • Serve as Brand Stewards: An internal workforce is highly knowledgeable about the company and the brand. They comprehend the brand concept, values, company culture, and product better than outside designers.


    • Costs Associated with Hiring and Training: Typically, hiring takes a few weeks or months, especially if you’re looking for specific skills or need to fill several posts. Not to mention the annual upskilling that a team needs and the training period for new workers.
    • Insufficient Capacity to meet Company’s needs: Another frequent issue is managing a high demand for their services with inadequate resources. Lack of capacity to handle the burden may result in overworked designers and unhappy coworkers who don’t receive their scheduled assignments.
    • Range of Talents and Knowledge Gaps: While in-house design teams provide a deep understanding of the company and brand, they may have gaps in the specific skills needed for some projects, necessitating the employment of external experts or outsourcing for these jobs.

ALSO READ: Building a in-house design team structure

Freelance Graphic and Presentation Designers

Freelance graphic and presentation designers are experts who work independently and are not affiliated with any one business. They often offer their services on a project basis and have a diverse portfolio, customizing them to customer’s needs.

How Much Does A Freelance Presentation Designer Cost?

Freelance graphic and presentation designers usually charge based on their experience. New and junior designers often charge between $15 and $45 per hour. Senior or professional designers, on the other hand,  frequently charge higher rates, from $100 to $150 per hour and perhaps even more.

If you choose a project-based invoicing method, the price will vary according to your desired deliverable. Below are examples of average graphic design costs for typical projects:

    • The average cost of a standard logo is $300.
    • For illustrations, prices can range from $700 to $4,000, depending on your request’s details.
    • The cost of infographics can range from $700 to $4,000, depending on the project’s complexity.

Pros and Cons of a Freelance Presentation Designer:


    • Flexibility and Cost-effectiveness: Outsourcing your presentation design work might save money over hiring a full-time staff. It lets you optimize your spending and change the workload to meet demand.
    • Access to Specialized Knowledge and Skills: When working with freelancers, you collaborate with experts who possess expertise you require, whether it be in logo design, web design, user experience, etc.
    • Greater Deadline Control: When dealing with independent presentation designers, you can set deadlines, specify timetables, and anticipate quicker turnaround times.


    • Limited Brand Knowledge: Freelancers could be unfamiliar with your brand, resulting in style clashes and requiring further instruction.
    • Variations in Reliability and Quality: There are many highly qualified freelancers, but it may take some time to discover the appropriate fit. Setting clear objectives and assessing their portfolios are crucial for a productive collaboration.
    • Limited availability for Revisions or Support: Freelancers might not be readily available for further changes or support after a project is finished. Therefore, it is essential to clarify post-project terms before hiring to avoid issues.

Presentation Design Agency

A presentation design agency provides a higher level of professionalism and expertise. They work with diverse teams of experts, such as presentations design specialists, business consultants, strategists, project managers, and graphic designers. Together, they generate ideas and consider criticism to provide superior presentation design solutions to those offered by lone freelancers.

How Much Do Presentation Design Agencies Charge?

Presentation companies understand that every client and their presentation is different. Hence, rates of presentation design firms may be established on slide, hourly, project-based, or combined basis.

    • Slide Basis: Presentation design agency can charge based on the number of slides they need to work on. For example, you have a requirement of creating 10 slides for a presentation and charges are $10/slide. This means, it will cost $100 to create 10 sides.
    • Hourly Basis: The agency charges a predetermined hourly fee for the time spent working on a project. It then keeps track of the hours put in by the team members and gives a breakdown of the time spent on various tasks. 
    • Project-based: The agency offers a predetermined, fixed price for the entire project with the project-based fees method. This price is decided after the client and the agency have discussed the project’s needs, the scope of the work, deliverables, and projected time.
    • Combined Approach: Agencies use the combined approach to establish a fixed fee for the core project. However, they also set an hourly fee for additional labor beyond the predetermined project scope, assuring openness and compensation for last-minute tasks or modifications. 

Pros and Cons of a Design Agency:


    • Work of the Highest Caliber: You can access a group of professional presentation specialists with a successful track record by working with a design agency. This guarantees that you will receive excellent and practical design solutions.
    • Reliable: Agencies are known for their effectiveness and productivity. They don’t get distracted from their responsibilities, and any worries regarding breaks, sick days, or disruptions are put to rest.
    • Expertise: Working with presentation specialists and business consultants who take the time to comprehend your brand and goals is one of the benefits of hiring a presentation agency.



    • Cost: It’s vital to remember that hiring a presentation company may be more expensive than other solutions.
    • Delays: Timeline delays could occur because the agency design process requires many sessions.
    • Reduced Control: Agencies make judgments according to their knowledge, which may not be the greatest choice for individuals seeking total control over the design’s course.

In-House Design Team V/s Freelance Graphic Designer V/s Design Agency

Aspect In-House Design Team  Freelance Graphic Designer Presentation Design Agency
Cost Annual salaries based on experience levels  Hourly or project-based rates Slide based, hourly, project-based, or combined rates
Flexibility Limited Medium High
Specialized Knowledge Deep understanding of the company and brand Varies; can hire specific expertise Access to a team of business consultants and presentation specialists
Deadline Control Internal team management allows for greater control Good control over project timelines Timelines may be affected by agency processes
Brand Knowledge In-depth knowledge of the company and brand May require additional instruction on brand In-depth knowledge of presentations and brand
Reliability and Quality Consistency in quality but may vary based on team skills Varies; depends on the selected freelancer Consistently high quality due to teamwork


Why Should Outsourcing Presentations from an Agency Be the Preferred Choice?

The choice to outsource presentations to an agency is made because agencies provide a blend of professionalism, dependability, and quality. Because they have devoted teams of business consultants and presentation designers who are experts in this area, they can consistently produce high-quality outcomes. Agencies are a dependable partner for businesses trying to make a lasting impression with their presentations since they can handle big projects and stick to deadlines.

SlideUpLift provides exceptional presentation design services customized to meet your specific requirements. Our team consists of business consultants and talented presentation designers who are knowledgeable in the art and science of making compelling presentations. We turn your ideas into captivating graphics that capture your audience, thanks to our strong grasp of business, education, and marketing knowledge. SlideUpLift is your partner in creating presentations that stand out, whether they are educational slides or pitch decks.

In conclusion, when it comes to meeting your presentation design needs, the choice between an in-house team, freelance designers, or a design agency depends on your organization’s specific requirements and priorities. An in-house team offers deep brand knowledge but can be cost-intensive, while freelancers offer flexibility but may lack consistency. However, outsourcing presentation services to a specialized agency like SlideUpLift can provide you with the expertise, reliability, and quality needed to create impactful presentations that drive success.


  1. How do I determine which option suits my organization's presentation design needs?

    Analyze your control needs, your project’s complexity, and your budget. Choose the option that best fits your objectives after considering the necessary information. Based on experience from the corporates, it is recommended to outsource presentation services to specialized agencies. 

  2. What makes SlideUpLift's Presentation Design Services stand out?

    SlideUpLift offers a team of experts with a deep understanding of presentation design. Our team has a perfect blend of Business Consultants and Presentation Specialists. We provide tailored solutions that help you communicate your message effectively and professionally. Get in touch to know more.

  3. Can I mix and match these options for different projects?

    Yes, depending on the project’s objectives, many businesses employ a combination of in-house teams, freelancers, and agencies to suit their different presentation design needs.

  4. How can I get started with SlideUpLift's Presentation Design Services?

    Explore our Presentation Services or Custom-Slides services on our website. You can also Contact Us to schedule a consultation to review your presentation design requirements.

  5. How can I ensure a third-party design team knows my message and brand?

    When collaborating with other teams, give them clear brand rules, style examples, and thorough briefs—Additionally, regular feedback and communication sessions aid in bringing the team to your vision.

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