Product Description:
A 30-60 90-Day Plan Template for HR Business Partners is a tool that allows individuals to communicate how an organization’s overall growth can be co-dependent on that of an HR individual. This allows for an HR Partner to increase the productivity of an organization. These plans include objectives that can be completed in the long run and the short run, allowing for measurable progress.
This 30-60-90 Day Plan template has a table with various categories of specific goals mentioned in the left column, including learning goals, initiative goals, performance goals, and personal goals. The chart also includes the Pre-Entry, First Month, Second Month, and Third Month durations. The names and categories have a blue gradient as their template color, whereas the interior of the table is gray. The table’s upper arrow-shaped intervals show how a particular time period moves into the next one, justifying the progressive nature of each time period. The audience will be better able to adjust to the newly defined tasks and objectives if they are aware of their positions and responsibilities. Each goal is listed in tabular form and given a brief description in the professional slides.
An HR Business Partner can easily chart their personal goals with respect to those of the organization over a period of 90 days, with 30-day increments, that enable the objectives to be achievable and measurable over a period of time. Users may change the text, icons, colors, and font of the template, allowing for 100% customizability, and it works with both Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint.