November 8, 2023 | SlideUpLift

30 60 90 Day Onboarding Plan for New Hire/Employee

Onboarding stands as the last aspect of hiring. Creating a good onboarding plan is very essential to explain to your new hires about their job role. This blog will help you make a 30 60 90 day onboarding plan for new hires/employees that gives them a perfect overview of their job.

Employee onboarding is thе final stеp in thе hiring procеss, еncompassing thе dеlivеry of thе offеr lеttеr, еmploymеnt background chеcks, papеrwork, and thе initial activitiеs on thе first day. However, it shouldn’t еnd once the paperwork is complete. Onboarding should еxtеnd into a wеll-thought-out strategy aimed at facilitating the new employee’s success. 

A positive onboarding еxpеriеncе has a significant impact, with 69% of employees more likely to remain with a company for at least three years. One way to enhance new employee engagement is by implementing a 30 60 90 day onboarding plan for new hire/employee. This plan sets clear expectations for nеw employees over their first 90 days, еnabling a smooth transition from a nеwcomеr to an active contributor within thе tеam and thе organization. In this article, we’ll delve into thе kеy еlеmеnts of a 30-60-90 day onboarding plan and explore the advantages it brings. 

What Is A 30 60 90 Day Onboarding Plan?

A 30 60 90 onboarding plan is a formal action plan for the first 30, 60, and 90 days of the new employee’s employment. It assists managers and leaders in creating clear, actionable goals connected to the mission and fundamental values of the organization and match the responsibilities and expectations of the role.

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Even though a 30-60-90 day onboarding plan’s level of detail varies depending on the function and person, they all share a common framework and goal. A new employee 30 60 90 day onboarding plan often aims to accomplish the following:

  • Day 1–30: This phase is highly intensive and practical because it is all about learning. You may show new hires the ropes by introducing them to projects, tools, and minor targets.
  • Day 31–60: Training is less intense during this stage, and more role-specific work is prioritized. You give workers more responsibility and foster better communication with veteran workers.
  • Day 61–90: Employees can handle their duties and responsibilities during this phase. You encourage them to complete tasks with little direction from you or other superiors while holding them accountable for their efforts.

All in all, the goal of a 30-60-90 day onboarding plan is to make new hires feel welcomed into the organization by assisting them in understanding the milestones and deliverables they may expect over their first 90 days of employment.

ALSO UNDERSTAND: What do successful new managers do?

Importance of a 30-60-90 Day Onboarding Plan

A 30-60-90 day onboarding strategy can help you streamline the onboarding process and position new hires for success. A 30-60-90 day strategy allows you to: 

  • Establish goals and lay out your expectations for a new employee’s first three months.
  • Avoid overwhelming new hires, space out training sessions and introductions. 
  • Ensure new team members have the information, tools, and expertise to succeed in their new position. 
  • Spend some time explaining your company’s key principles. 
  • Build trust throughout the onboarding process by providing useful feedback. 

You can benefit from the following advantages by employing the 30-60-90 day plan for onboarding:

  • Smoother onboarding: A 30 60 90 day plan for new employees facilitates their transfer. It provides them with an overview of the position, complete regular tasks and plans to help them fulfill it. They get a deeper understanding of the position. 
  • Successful goal-tracking: A lot happens while starting a new job. Employees frequently neglect some tasks in favor of others. A 30 60 90 day plan for new hires helps them understand how to contribute to the firm and enables management to monitor employee success quickly. 
  • Build team trust and unity: A 30-60-90 day onboarding schedule syncs you and your staff. Employees can propose things, offer helpful suggestions, and even point out flaws or errors if they better understand the business and its goods. Additionally, they are more productive because they are more focused and know precisely how their duties fit into the greater vision.

ALSO READ: 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan

How to Create A 30 60 90 Day Onboarding Plan?

Day 1-30:

You’ll spend considerable time over the first 30 days teaching your new hires about their jobs. Similarly, integrating them into the workplace culture and fostering their networking should be a top priority.

Here are some suggestions to get you going:

1. Choose a work “buddy”

This person should be a team member, not the manager. They could serve as their go-to resource for guidance and instruction. This individual will be a peer rather than an upper management, so they will likely have a similar experience and can relate.

2. Set up a team lunch

If doing this in person is impossible, you can still do it remotely. However, doing this together in person is preferable. After their first week, you should send them a small reward and message of appreciation anyway; it’s a thoughtful touch that will make them smile.

3. Schedule casual gatherings

Set up “Get to know” meetings with those the new hire will interact with frequently. This is more of a social gathering to break the ice and get to know each other than an official entrance into the company. There should be no formal agenda for these meetings, which should be rather informal.

4. Establish daily syncs

At this point, supervisors should check in with the employee daily for a 10-minute catch-up to see how they’re doing. Daily conversations with the same individual establish a routine while meeting many new people, which can be a little stressful.

5. Ensure a reliable training schedule

As indicated, training is crucial during this phase of the 90-day plan. It will only work out for you or them if you give individuals what they need to succeed. 

6. Make it entertaining!

What your new hire will be doing will depend on their function and degree of seniority. Even so, make an effort to keep people’s attention. At this point, enthusiasm is typically high, so make the most of it. Give them a weekly task list and make it into a game with points and rewards.

Day 31-60:

You have now completed a month of the onboarding plan. Most of your employee’s job and corporate procedures should be recognizable, but it is only the first step toward success. Consider the following in the second month of the 30-60-90 day onboarding plan.

1. Keep the feedback loop open

Providing feedback is essential because it helps maintain the new employee’s interest and concentration. Each piece of work should receive this from their managers. Remember that it is still early, so don’t anticipate perfection.

2. Examine target advancement

It’s also a wonderful moment for management and staff to discuss the initial goals established openly. Make necessary changes in the plan of action and examine whether the employee believes there are additional tasks they could undertake. In either case, explain things clearly, just as you did the first time.

3. Honor the little victories

It is crucial to make employees feel valued. Celebrate even the little victories. Get them excited from the first ticket they settle if they work in customer service. Recognize them for their first blog post if they work in marketing.

Remember that learning doesn’t end after day 30; it continues as you build. You can now put more of your trust in them to work independently and take on bigger duties.

Day 61-90:

The 30-60-90 day onboarding plan’s final phase should make employees feel like full-fledged company members. If all goes well, they should feel less like “new starters” after this time.

1. Assign complete control and autonomy

Whether you give the employee complete ownership after 90 days is a key indicator of success. You should be able to safely assign tasks without walking them through the process of carrying them out from beginning to end.

2. Carry out a performance evaluation

While the employee can no longer check in with you or other coworkers to complete a task, you still do so after the performance review. This is your chance to evaluate their performance over the past 90 days and the long term, pinpoint areas where they may improve, and highlight their strong points. In actuality, it’s more of a refinement than a review.

3. Inquire about their onboarding procedure

A quick check-in with HR differs from the performance evaluation. Inquire about the employee’s experience with the onboarding procedure so far. Do they believe anything could have been done better? This enables you to enhance the procedure going forward and demonstrates to the worker that you value their input.

ALSO READ: 7 Tips for Remote Employees Onboarding

4. Discover their interests and encourage them

Hopefully, they can also show off some of their other interests by this point. Do you, for instance, have any social clubs or employee resource groups they would enjoy? Send a reminder to them and motivate them to stand for election and take an active part in office activities if they want.

To effectively navigate the onboarding process and set a clear plan, it’s crucial to understand the еssеntial componеnts of the Onboarding 30-60-90 day plan. Let us see those in the section below.   

How To Create A 30 60 90 Day Onboarding Plan

How To Create A 30 60 90 Day Onboarding Plan

Essential Components of the Onboarding 30 60 90 Day Plan

The specifics of a 30-day, 60-day, or 90-day plan depend on the team member joining your company, but the general format should be identical.

The crucial elements of a 30 60 90 day onboarding plan are as follows:

  • Mission of the company: To offer your new hire a sense of what your firm stands for, briefly express your company’s mission at the beginning of the 30-60-90 day onboarding plan. 
  • Meet the group: Include images and bios of the folks your new hire will interact with frequently. As the new employee attempts to learn names and team duties, this might be a useful reference. 
  • First-day interview: The only part of the 30-60-90-day onboarding plan that includes a thorough schedule for the recruit is the first-day overview. Do your best to advise your new hire of what to expect on their first day of work, including log-in information or how to set up their email and phone voicemail, even though this schedule may vary. They will arrive feeling safe and confident of what to do or where to go if they do it that way. 

ALSO READ: How to nail that interview using a 30 60 90 day plan?

  • Top priorities: A summary of the new hire’s responsibilities and any needs you expect they will meet in their new position should be included in the plan’s section on top priorities. 
  • Smart goals: The 30-day, 60-day, and 90-day plan should be measurable and have work-related objectives you expect the new employee to complete in the first 90 days. 
  • Resources: Include links to the team directory, company manual, job descriptions, and other pertinent resources in the “Resources” section. You can include any material you believe the team members would find helpful as they get to know the business and the role in this part.

An effective 30 60 90 day new hire plan can improve employee engagement and ensure new hires know their duties and expectations. Employee engagement is the key to a company’s ability to satisfy customers and make fewer mistakes. These plans not only provide a structured roadmap that bеnеfits new hires in acclimating to their responsibilities but also aids in strеamlining the onboarding process for the team.

Efficiеntly prеsеnting this 30 60 90 plan is еqually significant. A well-crafted presentation can substantially affect how information is conveyed and absorbed. Utilize presentation design services from SlideUpLift to effectively convey your 30 60 90 day onboarding plan to new hires/employees


  1. What are the objectives of a 30-60-90 day onboarding plan?

    The onboarding plan’s major objective is to give new hires a thorough and uniform onboarding experience by establishing the tasks, materials, and expectations for the first three months of employment.

  2. How does the strategy affect both organizations and employees?

     The strategy lowers the risk of attrition for businesses while accelerating employee productivity ramps and improving revenue per worker.

  3. What essential components make a training program successful?

    Various interactive learning techniques with distinct KPIs, like outlining clear objectives, need assessment, active learning methods, etc., are essential components that make a training program successful.

  4. Is the 30-60-90 day onboarding plan exclusive to new hires?

    Although it is frequently used for new hires, it can also be modified for workers assuming new roles within the company.

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