June 8, 2023 | SlideUpLift

How to Hide And Unhide A Slide In PowerPoint

Hiding and unhiding a slide in PowerPoint is essential in client presentations to not show slides private to your organization. Read on to learn more on how to hide/unhide a slide in PowerPoint.
If you’ve ever used PowerPoint to create a presentation, you are aware that one of the reasons for its popularity is the program’s extensive selection of options. There will inevitably be some slides you don’t need, despite how impressive the slideshows you make with them.  You could just delete them, but if the presentation is still being worked on, you never know when you might want those slides back, this is where the hide and unhide slide option in PowerPoint comes in. 

To shorten your presentation time or remove a slide that includes research or sources, you may save the information on the slide for yourself. Use the PowerPoint Hide Slide tool to hide slides from a slide show that you don’t need to be shown. The PowerPoint Hide Slide option offers customization and flexibility to shorten a presentation’s duration without making a new one, add slides to backup data and respond to audience inquiries, or add more information when time permits.

Let’s understand how to hide and unhide a slide in PowerPoint.

How To Hide A Slide In PowerPoint In Windows?

There are multiple ways you can hide a slide in PowerPoint on Windows. Let’s have a look at them:

  1. Normal View
  2. Slide Sorter
  3. Keyboard Shortcuts

Method 1: Using Normal View

To hide a slide in PowerPoint with Normal View:

  1. Open your PowerPoint presentation.
  2. Go to the “View” tab and select “Normal” from Presentation View (if not already selected).
  3. Browse the slide you want to hide.
  4. Right-click and select the “Hide Slide” option.
  5. Your hidden slide will be greyed out in your slide pane.
  6. To perform this function for multiple slides, hold down the Ctrl key, select all the slides you wish to hide, and repeat the same process.

Method 2: Using Slide Sorter

To hide a slide in PowerPoint with Slide Sorter option:

  1. Open your presentation in PowerPoint.
  2. Go to the “View” tab and select “Slide Sorter” in the Presentation View section to view your slides in grid view.
  3. Click on the slide you wish to hide.
  4. Right-click and select the “Hide Slide” option to hide that slide.
  5. You can repeat the same procedure for other slides as well.
  6. If you wish to hide multiple slides, hold down the Ctrl key and select all the slides you want.
  7. Right-click on any one of the slides and select the “Hide Slide” option.

Method 3: Using Keyboard Shortcuts

You can also hide slides in PowerPoint using keyboard shortcuts:

  1. After opening your presentation, go to the “View” tab and select “Normal” to view the slides on your left pane.
  2. Select the slide you want to hide.
  3. Use Alt+S to access the Slide Show ribbon.
  4. Press on H to hide that particular slide.
  5. Use the same process to unhide the slide.

How To Unhide A Slide In PowerPoint On Windows?

These are the ways you can use to unhide a slide in PowerPoint in Windows:

  1. Normal View
  2. Slide Sorter
  3. Keyboard Shortcut

Method 1: Using Normal View

Follow the steps below to unhide a slide in PowerPoint on Windows using “Normal View” option:

  1. Open your PowerPoint presentation.
  2. In the left pane, the hidden slides are greyed out.
  3. Right-click on it and select the “Unhide Slide” option.
  4. You can repeat the same process for other slides.
  5. Use the Ctrl button for multiple slides and select all the slides you want to unhide.

Method 2: Using Slide Sorter

To unhide a slide in PowerPoint with Slide Sorter option:

  1. After opening your PowerPoint presentation, go to the “View” tab.
  2. Select “Slide Sorter” in the Presentation View section.
  3. Now, you’ll see all the slides in a grid view.
  4. Browse the slides you want to unhide. It will be greyed out for you to distinguish.
  5. Right-click on the slide you want to unhide.
  6. Select the “Unhide Slide” option to unhide your slide.
  7. Repeat the same procedure for other slides.

Method 3: Using Keyboard Shortcuts:

  1. To unhide a slide in PowerPoint, you can use the Alt key.
  2. Click on the slide you want to hide.
  3. Then use Alt+S to access the Slide Show ribbon.
  4. Press H to unhide that slide.


If you are running a slideshow and you want to display your hidden slide, follow the steps below:

  1. When your presentation is in the Slideshow view, right-click on any slide.
  2. Click on the “See All Slides” option.
  3. Now, you’ll see all your slides in a grid view.
  4. Click on the hidden slide that you want to view.
  5. The hidden slide will now appear in front of you on your Slideshow.

If you use PowerPoint on Mac, the process to hide/unhide a slide is slightly different. Let’s learn about it in detail.

READ MORE: How To Copy And Paste A Slide In PowerPoint

How To Hide A Slide In PowerPoint On Mac?

Below are the steps to hide a slide in PowerPoint on Mac:

  1. Open your PowerPoint presentation.
  2. In the left navigation pane, browse the slide you want to hide.
  3. After selecting the slide, right-click on it and go to the “Hide Slide” option.
  4. By doing this, the slide will be hidden immediately and marked as such by turning grey and displaying a null symbol in the upper left corner. When you right-click again, the “Hide Slide” option will also get a checkmark.
  5. You can do the same for multiple slides.
  6. Hold down the Shift key to hide multiple sequential slides and select your section’s first and last slide. Use the right-click to hide all the slides.
  7. Hold down the Command key for multiple non-sequential slides and select all the slides you want to hide. Right-click on the slide and hit the “Hide Slide” button to hide the slides.

How To Unhide A Slide In PowerPoint On Mac?

Here are the steps to unhide a slide in PowerPoint on Mac:

  1. After opening your PowerPoint presentation, browse for the slide you want to unhide in the left navigation pane.
  2. Right-click on the slide and select the “Unhide Slide” option to unhide that slide.
  3. Your slide will not appear in your Slideshow.
  4. You can repeat the same process for multiple slides by holding the Command or Shift key and selecting all the slides you want to unhide.
  5. Right-click on any of the slides and select the “Unhide Slide” option to unhide the selected slides.

Hang on and read more if you are someone who uses PowerPoint on Web and wants to hide/unhide a slide in PowerPoint on Web.

How To Hide A Slide In PowerPoint On The Web?

Below are the two ways to hide a slide in PowerPoint on web:

  1. Normal View
  2. Slide Sorter

Method 1: Using Normal View

Follow the steps below to hide a slide in PowerPoint on the web using Normal View:

  1. Open your PowerPoint presentation on PowerPoint Web.
  2. Click on the slide you wish to hide from the left navigation pane.
  3. Right-click on it and select the “Hide Slide” option.
  4. Your slide will now be hidden.
  5. To indicate your slide is hidden, it will be greyed out with a blocked symbol on it.

Method 2: Using Slide Sorter

Follow the steps below to hide a slide in PowerPoint on the web using the Slide Sorter option:

  1. First, open your document on the PowerPoint Web.
  2. Go to the View tab and select Slide Sorter to view your slides in a grid view.
  3. Right-click on any slide and select the “Hide Slide” option to hide that particular slide.
  4. If you want to hide a section of slides, hold down the Shift key and select your section’s first and last slide.
  5. Right-click and select the Hide Slide option.
  6. All your selected slides will now be hidden.

How To Unhide A Slide In PowerPoint On the Web?

You can unhide slide in PowerPoint on the Web using the steps below:

  1. Normal View
  2. Slide Sorter

Method 1: Using Normal View

To unhide a slide in PowerPoint Web using Normal View,

  1. Open PowerPoint Web and select your document.
  2. Right-click on the hidden slide.
  3. Go to the Unhide Slide option to unhide the slide.
  4. To unhide multiple slides, press down the Ctrl key and select all the slides you wish to unhide.
  5. Right-click on any slide and click on the Unhide Slide option to unhide the selected slides.

Method 2: Using Slide Sorter

To unhide a slide in PowerPoint Web using Slide Sorter,

  1. In the PowerPoint web, open your presentation.
  2. Go to the View tab.
  3. Select Slide Sorter, and now your slides will be visible in a grid view.
  4. You can easily select the slide that you want to unhide.
  5. Right-click on it and select the Unhide Slide option to unhide it.how to hide/unhide slides in powerpoint
  6. Hold the Ctrl key for multiple slides and select all the slides you want to unhide.
  7. Right-click on any slide and select the Unhide Slide option to unhide the slides.


Hiding slides can be beneficial when you have made a presentation for all types of audiences and want to present it to different groups. These slides can be marked as hidden so that they are not shown in your primary slide show but that you can still access them if necessary.

For example, if you’re presenting to various departments in your firm, you can hide slides according to the audience. Either way, this is a handy feature of PowerPoint to keep in mind.

You can use this option instead of deleting it if you are unsure what to do with that slide. 

In this article, we have provided detailed information on how to hide a slide in PowerPoint.

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  1. How Do I Hide A Slide In PowerPoint In Between A Slideshow?

    You cannot hide a slide between a slideshow, but you can do it before that, and your hidden slide will not be visible in the Slideshow.

  2. How Do You Unhide A Slide In PowerPoint In A Slideshow?

    Right-click on any slide and select the “See All Slides” option. All your slides(hidden included) will now be visible to you in a grid view. Click on the slide you wish to view.

  3. Is There Any Keyboard Shortcut To Hide/Unhide A Slide In PowerPoint Directly?

    No, there is no direct keyboard shortcut to hide or unhide a slide in PowerPoint directly, but you can use the Alt key to access the “Hide Slide” option in the toolbar.

  4. How Will I Distinguish The Hidden Slides?

    In your presentation pane, your hidden slides will be greyed out, and an eye-blocking symbol will appear on them to help to distinguish them.

  5. Can I Hide All My Slides In PowerPoint At Once?

    You can use Ctrl/Cmd+A to select all the slides and then right-click and select the “Hide Slide” option to hide all the slides.

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