Product Description:

When planning and monitoring your three months in a new position or project you might want to check out the 30 60 90 Day Plan Weekly PowerPoint Template. This tool offers a guide for setting objectives and tracking progress during a 90-day period divided into 30-day segments.

The 30/60/90 plan template presents a layout dividing the month into four weeks. Each week is symbolized by an icon linked to a text box where you can note down tasks and goals. Symbols like gears, handshakes, coins, and bicycles are used metaphorically. They represent activities or milestones such as organizing, teamwork, and financial planning. The design is straightforward, with green and blue colors set against a cityscape background. The background suggests business growth and advancement. 

Whether you’re in leadership, sales, marketing, or launching a venture, this template accommodates individuals seeking organization in the initial phases of their endeavor. The adjustments can be effortlessly made to tailor these professional Google Slides templates to your requirements. It works well for both PowerPoint and Google Slides offering flexibility regardless of your preferred presentation platform.