Product Description:

Business Proposal Summary PowerPoint Template

Business Proposal is a document prepared by businesses and professionals, for describing your business, services, project, or product. It is often used in business settings to convince a potential client, stakeholder, or investor to hire you.

To help you showcase your business proposal in a Vertical Summarized Format, we offer you our Business Proposal Summary PowerPoint template.

On the left side of the template, you get:

                 1 Key Highlights: Briefly explain your main key highlights of the business proposal

                 2 Strengths: You are provided with four editable rectangular text boxes, where you can highlight your company strengths

On the Right side:

                 1 Experiences: Add your relevant experiences, expertise, and qualifications.

                 2 Why us: This is a place where you can demonstrate why you are better than your competitors and why your client should choose you.

At the bottom of this template, you are provided with an extra section where you can add extra important aspects of your business proposal, like revenue, number of customers, global presence, and any other point which you feel is essential for your proposal.

You can get this template in various color themes like shades of red, blue, pink, and the other 14 colors. Choose a color theme which best suits your presentation needs.

This template can be used by Entrepreneurs, Business Development managers, Sales or Marketing professionals, and Consultants.