Product Description:

Personal SWOT analysis is all about listing down the strengths, knowing the weaknesses, finding matching opportunities, and being aware of threats. 

This SWOT template has a header at the top of the slide. The background is shaded from light gray to dark gray. The center of the template consists of an icon of a personal showing personal analysis. It is divided into four quadrants, further dividing into positives (S, O) and negatives (W, T), as well as internal (S, W) and external (O, T). Each quadrant consists of a SWOT component, an icon related to it, and a few bullet points.

Personal SWOT Example PowerPoint Template is designed for individual use. It is a PowerPoint graphic outlining a person’s skill set in order to identify areas for career advancement or to develop a career plan. It helps to reflect and analyze on a personal basis.

This SWOT analysis PowerPoint template is useful for job seekers, students, business professionals, and individuals involved in personal development. It will help them assess their skills and qualifications while helping them understand their threats and weaknesses.

This professional presentation template assists educators and mentors in guiding their students so that they can make informed decisions. It can also be assisted when going for an interview, applying for a promotion, or before switching a career. The Personal SWOT Example PowerPoint Template can be used for career planning and development. Students can use it to overview their SWOT analysis. Job seekers may include this in their CVs, giving the recruiter a clear image of their capabilities. Further, business professionals may use it to identify their business’s threats and weaknesses and work on them for further growth and development.

The template is 100% customizable, which helps users match their company aesthetics accordingly. You can utilize this template with both PowerPoint and Google Slides at your convenience.