March 23, 2023 | SlideUpLift

How to make a Curved Arrows in PowerPoint | PowerPoint Tutorial

Curved Arrows Cyclic diagrams show the process and series of events that interact repetitively through the cycle. Such diagrams depict the flow of one step following another repeatedly, which means there is no beginning or end, and the ‘last’ step links up with the ‘first.’ In a cyclic arrow diagram, the curved arrow PowerPoint shows how one phase flows to the next.

Here is a short PowerPoint tutorial explaining how to make a curved arrow in PowerPoint. Use them in your presentation slides to enhance the overall look of your presentation and explain your ideas, processes, strategies, and theories engagingly.

Here are the steps to create a cyclic arrow diagram in PowerPoint. 

Step 1 – Insert the Hollow circle shape from the shapes tab
Step 2 – Adjust the shape size with the yellow know on the shape
Step 3 – Then insert Rectangles, click on Insert, and from the Shapes menu, select a Rectangle.
Step 4 – Place this rectangle on your circle and copy-paste to make a duplicate rectangle
Step 5 – Now rotate and reposition the rectangles (Watch the video tutorial below)
Step 6 – Select the shape and Fragment – Shape Format > Merge Shape > Fragment
Step 7 – Now delete the unwanted shapes to make cyclic arrows
Step 8 – Insert Triangle shape and position it in front of the other curved strips
Step 9 – Now repeat the same process for the remaining shapes
Step 10 – Select the curved strip and triangle shape and make them group (repeat for all)
Step 11 – Now remove the outlines – Shape outline > no outline

Watch this stepwise video tutorial to get a detailed idea:

A few examples of Arrow PowerPoint  Templates: 

PowerPoint Arrows are one of the most common shapes used in presentations. Here are a few examples of PowerPoint Arrows that can be used in business presentations. This collection of arrow ppt includes straight arrows, curved arrows, circular arrows PowerPoint, curly arrows, chevron arrows, arched arrows, and more. You can also check out our professionally designed collection of PowerPoint Themes & Google Slides Themes.

Circular Arrow PowerPoint

Circular Arrow PowerPoint

Source: Circular Arrow PowerPoint by SlideUpLift

This curved arrow PowerPoint can also be used to showcase any process or strategy in your business presentation. You just have to make a few edits and you are ready to go.

Curved Arrow Template

Curved Arrow Template

Source: Curved Arrow Template by SlideUpLift

You can use this curved arrow PPT in your presentations to showcase the pros and cons or challenges and opportunities.

Curved Arrow Template

Curved Arrow Template

Source: Curved Arrow Template by SlideUpLift

This curved arrow PowerPoint template can be used to showcase the steps or growth involved in any business process or strategy.

Pros Cons Arrow Template

Pros Cons Arrow Template

Source: Pros Cons Arrow Template by SlideUpLift

You can use this curved arrow in PPT to showcase any cyclic process such as an accounting cycle or to showcase different phases of project management.

Curved Arrow Template

Curved Arrow Template

Source: Curved Arrow Template by SlideUpLift

Here is a Free Arrow Template for you to try:

You can use this free curved arrow PowerPoint to showcase the features of your product or project like design, quality, etc.

Free Arrow Template

Free Arrow Template

Source: Free Circular Arrow Template by SlideUpLift

Now you don’t have to scour the web to find out the right templates. Download our PowerPoint Templates from within PowerPoint. See how?

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