April 25, 2024 | slideuplift

17 Tips On How To Make A Professional PowerPoint & Google Slides Presentation

Creating impactful presentations is no easy task. It comes with rigorous practice over the years. Get expert guidance and professional presentation tips on how to make a professional PowerPoint and Google Slides presentation.

A PowerPoint presentation is a fantastic tool for communicating vital information. Even though people think it’s simple to put all your content together and make a presentation, arranging and preparing the template and design takes time to ensure it is impactful and professional. But do you know how to make a professional PowerPoint & Google Slides presentation?

An engaging presentation goes beyond simply exchanging information; it connects with the audience. It must transport the listener on a journey, induce emotions, and leave an unforgettable impression. Let’s dig deeper and understand how to make a PowerPoint look professional.

What Is A Professional Presentation?

Shows What is a Professional PowerPoint

A professional presentation is a well-structured and effectively delivered communication that conveys information, ideas, or proposals in a business or formal context. 

It typically adheres to specific standards and practices to effectively engage and inform the audience. As a result, such presentations can be diverse, and they may be necessary to complete job interviews, provide sales pitches to potential clients, or present project proposals to top management. 

Let’s discuss the best tips on how to make a PowerPoint look professional.

How To Make A Professional PowerPoint Presentation? 

Making a professional PowerPoint and Google Slides presentation might be a hectic task. It needs your time to create amazing professional presentations and at the same time ensure you include all the key things. We have compiled a list of the best tips for you, which you can also use as a checklist. We have bisected the tips into three categories to make it easier for you to grasp. 

The three categories for tips for professional looking PowerPoint are as follows:

  • Content and Slide Tips
  • Presentation Design Tips
  • Delivery Tips

Content And Slide Tips On How To Make A Professional PowerPoint

Content And Slide Tips

Follow the steps below on how to make a PowerPoint look professional:

  1. Start with a title slide
  2. Add an agenda slide
  3. Logically arrange the middle slides
  4. Include a call-to-action slide at the end of your presentation
  5. Conclude with key takeaways

1. Start With A Title Slide

An eye-catching first slide serves as an introduction to your subject. To make it clear to read across the room, place the title of your presentation in huge letters in the middle of the slide. You can also include your name and title on the slide, depending on the type of presentation. 

One of the most underrated and important presentation tips – On the title slide, keep the background simple to avoid drawing attention away from you while you speak. 

2. Add An Agenda Slide

List what the audience can anticipate. Label your slide with “Presentation Agenda,” or as “Meeting Agenda,” or a phrase to that effect. List the key lessons you want your audience to take away from the presentation. It not only makes it easier for your audience to follow along, but it also clarifies your main objective. Let’s discuss another tip on how to make a professional PowerPoint.

3. Logically Arrange The Middle Slides

Identify the presentation’s beginning, middle, and end for more clarity. Make a list of the facts you want to provide and essential points you want your audience to take away from your presentation. Take what you’ve written and arrange the ideas in an outline so that each idea leads naturally into the next. 

For instance, if you’re making a persuasive presentation, you might begin by providing background information on the subject and then discuss potential solutions before concluding by outlining actions an audience member can take to contribute.

4. Include A Call-To-Action Slide At The End Of Your Presentation

The next tip on how to make a professional PowerPoint is to include a CTA. After you finish your presentation, inform your audience of the next steps. After reviewing the key points of your presentation, provide a list of actions your audience may take to advance the project. So that your audience has several options for what to do next, try to come up with some concrete ideas.

5. Conclude With Key Takeaways

Summarize your important points so your audience will remember them. Start the last slide with a header at the top that reads “Takeaways” or “Key Points.” Make a final list of bullet points containing the most crucial information you have covered. 

Emphasize your previous presentations’ key ideas and speak them aloud to your audience. In this manner, your presentation will leave a lasting effect on the audience, making them more likely to recall what you say.

Content forms the foundation of any presentation. But, if not designed correctly, it can lead to a boring presentation. That’s where an impactful design for a presentation comes into the picture. Now, let’s discuss design tips for professional looking powerpoints.

Design Tips On How To Make A Professional PowerPoint

Design Tips On How To Make A Professional PowerPoint

Now that you know some content and slide-related tips, let’s read about the top design-related tips on how to make a PowerPoint look professional:

  1. Write content for your audience
  2. Select readable fonts
  3. List the important points in brief bullets
  4. Aim to have about 10 slides
  5. Make your presentation background & Theme consistent
  6. Use “Format Object”
  7. Use PowerPoint Shapes and SmartArt
  8. Include relevant graphics and multimedia
  9. Reuse your slides

1. Write Content Considering Your Audience

Your content is the king. What you write and present in your presentation can make or break it. You have to consider your audience and write content that relates to them. What’s the point of writing in a way that’s hard for your audience to comprehend?

Let’s say your target audience is freshers you hired recently, and your presentation includes multiple industry jargon that is difficult for them to understand. Senior professionals in the company can clearly understand this jargon, but your freshers might find it difficult. Hence, your content tone and style need to align with your targeted audience.

This way, you will also boost your audience’s participation and engagement. Now, let’s consider other tips on how to make a professional PowerPoint. 

2. Select Readable Fonts

Keep your fonts large and sans-serif so your audience can read them clearly. Keep your content between 28 and 40 points because small fonts might be difficult to see from a distance. Choose Proxima Nova or Arial rather than Times New Roman or another serifed font to show your content because sans-serif is more straightforward to read on a screen. 

Bold, italicize, or highlight the words you want to stand out as particularly important. Throughout the slide, change the font size. For instance, the slide’s headline should be larger than the body content.

READ MORE: Best Presentation Fonts

3. List The Important Points In Brief Bullets

Another tip on how to make a professional PowerPoint is to use bullet points. Your slides will be easier to follow if they have pointers. Paragraphs on a slide can be very intimidating, and your audience could choose to read them rather than pay attention to you. Keep your slide to a bulleted list of essential phrases or terms rather than writing out every word you plan to speak. Keep your slides to a maximum of six bullet points, each with a maximum of six words.

4. Aim To Have About Ten Slides

More than 10 concepts at once will be difficult for your audience to recall. Count your slides once you’ve organized your data to check if you have 10 or fewer slides. If you have more than 10, review the content once more to see if you can squeeze anything onto one slide. 

Decide which ideas need to be covered the most, and eliminate anything that doesn’t seem appropriate or doesn’t fit the style of your presentation. Now, Let’s discuss another tip on how to make a professional PowerPoint.

5. Make Your Presentation Background & Theme Consistent

Keeping the same straightforward theme and style for each slide can help you create professional PowerPoint presentations. You can make a background in PowerPoint or explore PowerPoint backgrounds from SlideUpLift. Use easy-to-read layouts that don’t draw attention away from the text or graphics you want to use.

Consistency in your background images and themes shows professionalism. This subconsciously attracts your audience and leaves a good impression.

6. Use “Format Object”

You must have used multiple objects in your slides, but there are chances that not all the objects are as per your requirements. You may need to alter a few things in your objects to align them properly with your overall presentation and good formatting. 

You can simply change your objects using the “Format Object: feature. Just right-click on the object you want to edit and choose the “Format Object” feature. Now, you can change the object’s size, add reflections, and even alter the text or content.

7. Use Powerpoint Shapes And SmartArt

The next tip on how to make a professional PowerPoint is using Shapes and SmartArt. Do you know PowerPoint provides multiple Shapes and SmartArts to help you create better presentations? In your slides, you can easily insert different shapes, like rectangles, circles, ovals, etc.. You can use these shapes to create various diagrams to showcase your content effectively.

Similarly, SmartArts also enhances your presentation’s visual appeal by providing you with multiple graphics options. These are pre-built in MS PowerPoint, and you can modify them as per your requirements. 

Using Shapes and SmartArts gives you more control over making professional presentations, as you can make changes to meet your requirements.

8. Include Relevant Graphics

Select charts and photos of the highest quality to highlight your content. You should use visuals only if they are essential to the argument you are attempting to make. You can use illustrations, PwerPoint images, infographics, graphs, or chart diagrams to display facts or make your point more obvious. You can also add GIFs and embed videos to your presentations.

This is a very crucial tip on how to make a professional PowerPoint. To avoid making your presentations appear cluttered, ensure all the images are the same size and resolution, and arrange them in the same spot on each slide. Charts and graphics that are challenging to interpret should have captions. Make one image on a slide stand out by giving it a different hue from the rest of the presentation.

Once you have the content, your PowerPoint presentation is all set, and it’s designed to create impact. How you create impact and engage the audience depends entirely on how you deliver presentations.

9. Reuse Your Slides

Another tip on how to make your Google Slides look professional is Reusing slides. It is a very potent way to breeze through your presentation and, in the process, make sure that the overall visual consistency of your design is improved. This will save you time when creating new slides again. It is greatly important as it offers ways through which a very polished and professional look can be maintained across your presentations.

If you are designing the slides, maybe save them as templates. This will permit you to replicate the slide framework and yet customize the content as necessary for different presentations. However, you can use your presentation software to create Master Slides that will enable you to build your own themes and ensure not just design consistency but also content consistency is adhered to across all presentations within your organization.

Delivery Tips On How To Make A Professional PowerPoint

Delivery Tips for presentations

The way you deliver your PowerPoint slides can either make or break your overall presentation. Let’s see some tips on how to make a PowerPoint look professional:

  1. Keep your transitions simple
  2. Practice your presentations out loud
  3. Practice in front of the crowd

1. Keep Your Transitions Simple

Adding Animations and transitions draws attention away from the material. While adding animations to your slideshow may seem creative to make it stand out, doing so might add a lot of extra time and distract the audience. Have the slides change as soon as the mouse clicks, rather than having the text fly in or the slides animate. Provide the information quickly and simply to make your presentation look stronger and more formal.

2. Practice Your Presentation Out Loud

The best tip on how to make a professional PowerPoint is to practice your presentation. Run the complete presentation to increase your confidence. After practicing your presentation a few times, you’ll feel much more at ease giving it. Practice as if you were presenting to a group of people; raise your voice to the appropriate pitch and volume.

Ensure the slides flow together by practicing clicking through them as you speak. Go back and change your slides to make any necessary corrections if you encounter issues. Consider recording your speech to see or listen to it later. You will be able to identify what needs to change as a result.

3. Practice In Front Of A Crowd

Request some early feedback to determine the success of your presentation. Take a group of friends or coworkers and walk them through the full presentation. When you’re done, ask them what they thought of the presentation and whether any points you tried to express confused them. Asking them questions you anticipate your audience will have will allow you to practice providing succinct responses.

Now that you have more than ten tips on how to make your Google Slides look professional, knowing how to present your ideas professionally is also vital.

How To Professionally Present Your Ideas?

How To Professionally Present Your Ideas

Check out the below tips on how to make a professional PowerPoint and deliver it in an effective way:

  1. Choose the right time
  2. Incorporate Brevity
  3. Encourage Engagement from the audience
  4. Incorporate An emotional connection
  5. Use Visual tools
  6. Use Images and graphics

1. Choose The Right Time

One of the most important professional PowerPoint presentation tips is timing. Choosing the right time slot is very important when giving a presentation. If you have the option to determine your presentation timetable, it would be preferable to select a mid-morning time slot. People’s attention is better captured in the morning.

2. Incorporate Brevity

The best tip on how to make a professional PowerPoint is to incorporate brevity. Typically, audiences have a limited attention span. When given lengthy materials to read, people rapidly become bored. Be direct if you want people to pay attention and continue to listen. Avoid including unrelated material because this will just make the presentation longer.

3. Encourage Engagement From The Audience

Keeping the audience interested in what you say is a difficult task. You can engage them and get them involved in the topic by making a good first impression in the first 30 seconds. You can also keep them engaged by injecting humor as you change the slides.

4. Incorporate An Emotional Connection

A good tip on how to make a professional PowerPoint is using an emotional connection. Any professional presentation must emotionally engage the audience, much like in advertising. When communicating your message, use feelings. By doing this, you give the visual aids a human face and make your point more understandable to the audience. Encourage them to act by awakening their emotions.

5. Use Visual Tools

Most people learn best visually. Presenters must know that their audience needs visual aids to grasp their words. Make sure that you use visuals to support your claims. The audience will understand your message more clearly if they can visualize it.

6. Use Images And Graphics

Using Graphics and images is a great practice on how to make a professional PowerPoint. They support you admirably as you give your speech. Charts and other complex data points can make visualizations difficult to design. To ensure precise and easy-to-understand details, you can create simple templates. However, if you find it difficult to create to-the-point, detail-oriented graphics, and templates that create an impact, you can outsource your presentations. 

Why Should Organizations Outsource Their Presentations To Specialists?

Why to outsource presentations

We discussed the best tips for professional looking PowerPoints. Now, let’s consider why to outsource presentation creations. Here are some reasons on how to make your slides look professional by outsourcing presentations:

  1. Improving presentations for external clients
  2. Assisting graphics team
  3. Saves Manual efforts and time
  4. Cost saving
  5. Elevating design excellence
  6. To support your marketing team with presentations

ALSO READ: Why Consultants Choose to Outsource Presentations?

1. Improving Presentations For External Clients

Your PowerPoint presentation acts as a virtual handshake with your clients, making it an important factor in determining how they will perceive you or your company. For this reason alone, many professionals choose to outsource their external presentations.

2. Assisting Graphic Team

Your devoted graphic team is constantly creating different types of visual content. Your in-house designers probably already have their hands complete with daily design work. When this happens, outsourcing presentation design seems appealing because it relieves your graphic team’s workload and frees them up to succeed in their primary duties. 

3. Saves Manual Efforts And Time

Save your team from stressing about how to make a professional PowerPoint. The possibility of saving time motivates professionals to choose presentation outsourcing. As anybody who has struggled with slides knows, creating an engaging PowerPoint presentation takes time. By delegating the creation of presentations to external professionals, professionals can free up their time to work on more essential duties or, better yet, to thoroughly rehearse and perfect their message.

4. Cost Saving

Consulting firms might cut costs by outsourcing presentations to specialists. Outsourcing presentations to an agency costs less than hiring an internal presentation designer. This saved money can be utilized toward other essential business objectives while reducing labor expenditures.

5. Elevating Design Excellence

True masters of their trade are presentation designers who work professionally. Their knowledge spans more than just visuals; it also includes the complex art of slide layout and the crucial components that turn a presentation from good to spectacular. 

For instance, our team at SlideUpLift is proud of its design and presentation services after working with businesses from a variety of industries throughout the world. When creating excellent PowerPoint presentations, this abundance of knowledge is priceless.

Beyond improving aesthetics, the goal is to use this knowledge to make visually striking presentations that instantly connect with your audience. Hence, save your team’s efforts learning how to make a professional PowerPoint.

6. To Support Your Marketing Team With Presentations

Presentations are in high demand, particularly among marketing consultants. They have to unite their staff, discuss their marketing strategy with the rest of the organization, and win new clients for their enterprises. PowerPoint presentations are a fantastic tool for all of this! 

An intelligent marketing presentation can improve communication inside and outside your firm; outsourcing is the best option. In today’s competitive landscape, outsourcing presentations to professionals gives firms a strategic advantage. 

Outsourcing is appealing due to its time efficiency, access to cutting-edge equipment, brand consistency, new ideas, scalability, and cost savings. By consulting with you, outsourcing presentation companies can make compelling presentations that create a lasting impression on the audience.

How To Make A Professional PowerPoint With Templates From SlideUpLift?

The ability to generate professional-looking slides is a skill that may take your message to new heights in the dynamic world of presentations. SlideUpLift.com has materials and tools to assist you in every aspect of creating presentations:

  1. Suppose you want to create presentations but need a starting point. In that case, you can download any template from our 40,000+ PowerPoint and Google Slides themes collection. Just download the template you like and change the content as you need.
  2. If you don’t want to make changes to the templates, you can ask us to customize them through our custom slides service. You can expect fast delivery within 1 Business Day.

If you need multiple presentations every week, you can try our Presentation Services.

Check out our best professional templates below and learn how to make your PowerPoint look professional:

Detailed 30-60-90 Day Plan

How to make a professional powerpoint 30 60 90 Day Work Plan
Like This Template? Click Here To Download!

Learn how to make a professional PowerPoint with this template. It covers the first 90 days of work and is strategically divided into 30-day intervals. For each 30 days, managers and professionals can lay out their tasks and set realistic goals.

It serves as a compass, guiding managers to set the course for their team or department. By presenting strategic plans and objectives for the first 90 days, managers can ensure alignment with the broader organizational goals.

Executive Summary

executive summary
Like This Template? Click Here To Download!

Pre-designed slides in the template provide an organized framework for showcasing executive summary including corporate objectives, financial summaries, and project updates. This adaptable template can be utilized in various business settings, such as showcasing milestones, initiatives, trends, reports, or proposals.

Customer Journey

Customer Journey
Like This Template? Click Here To Download!

Learn how to make a professional PowerPoint with this template. It helps businesses in understanding the different stages and touchpoints customers encounter when interacting with their brand. Moreover, It also enables businesses to identify more areas for improvement and gain a detailed understanding of the customer journey.

You can use this for marketing, sales, customer support, and product development teams. This tool is valuable for companies across various sizes and industries who want to enhance the customer experience.

Business Review Dashboard

Business Review Dashboard
Like This Template? Click Here To Download!

Learn how to make PowerPoint look professional with this template. It is highly effective for professionals who need to present and analyze corporate data. You can create professional presentations that effectively communicate complex business information, like revenue models, gross profit, customer satisfaction, and sales on a quarterly basis.

This dashboard is suitable for business professionals, managers, executives, product developers, sales professionals, and analysts. Moreover, It facilitates informed decision-making and supports tasks such as data analysis, financial reporting, and performance evaluations.

Company Timeline

Company Timeline
Like This Template? Click Here To Download!

This template helps track the annual progress of a company. It features a clear and visually appealing timeline that allows users to compile and visualize the evolution of a project or the business itself.

Learn how to make a presentation look professional with this template. It has a customizable annual schedule, enabling users to track their business’s development effectively. It is ideal for HR, sales, and marketing professionals.


Presentations are crucial for professionals to host meetings and influence their team members and stakeholders. This blog taught you how to make a professional PowerPoint and Google Slides presentation that attracts your audience. We discussed the best tips to consider while creating presentations and shared the best professional templates from SlideupLift.


  1. How do you get ready for your first professional presentation?

    With thorough preparation, you can confidently deliver a polished and impactful presentation. Begin by thoroughly researching your topic and understanding your audience’s needs and expectations. Organize your content logically, creating a clear structure with a compelling introduction, main points, and a strong conclusion. 

  2. How to make a professional PowerPoint?

    Some tips for professional PowerPoint presentations include:

    • Focus on clear content organization
    • Use a consistent and appealing design template
    • Incorporate high-quality visuals
    • Practice your delivery to ensure a smooth and engaging presentation
    • Keep slides concise and avoid clutter to maintain audience interest and understanding.

  3. What are the key elements of a professional-looking presentation?

    A professional-looking presentation typically includes well-structured content, visually appealing slides, clear typography, cohesive design elements, and effective use of visuals.

  4. What are some effective strategies for effectively rehearsing and delivering a professional presentation?

    Effective rehearsal involves practicing your presentation multiple times, focusing on your tone and pacing, and anticipating questions from the audience.

  5. What Are The Best Tips On How To Make A Professional PowerPoint?

    These are the top 10 PowerPoint tips for preparing a professional presentation:

    • Start with a title slide
    • Add an agenda slide
    • Logically arrange the middle slides
    • Add key takeaways and include CTA at the end
    • Do not have more than 10 slides
    • Add a consistent presentation background
    • List important points in bullets
    • Include relevant graphics
    • Keep simple transitions
    • Practice your presentations loudly and in front of the crowd.

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