Product Description:
Company Comparison Chart PowerPoint Template
Company Comparison Chart PowerPoint template helps you perform analyses between two companies in a structured and concise format. Businesses can use it to compare themselves with competitors.
This template comes in a vertical layout. It is divided into two parts; on the left side, you can showcase the highlights or points of analysis for Company 1. Similarly, on the right side you can do it for Company 2. Further, you can add the points, comparing both the companies, which have been already provided to you:
- Teamwork: here, you can add how the team of company 1 functions, what strategies do they follow, and similarly for company 2.
- Marketing: marketing strategies of both the companies
- Software Tools: Tools that both of these companies use
- Social media: their social media strategies, the social platforms they are using for marketing and awareness about the brand
In the center of this comparison, a section is provided where you can add the basis of comparison.
This template is equipped with modern colors like blue and green, making it more visually appealing.
The template is user-friendly and customizable; it has a unique set of editable infographics, icons, images, fonts, and presentation backgrounds.
Business managers, Sales teams, Marketing professionals, Entrepreneurs and Startups can use this template for building strategies.