How to Make a Business Plan Presentation? Guide & Examples
An innovative way to display your ideas and convince your team or clients is to present an idea with a business plan presentation. An effective presentation can showcase your mind and create an engaging meeting covering all necessary plan elements.
Every venture requires funding to start or grow and expand its business. A clear and detailed business plan will make it easy for the investor to understand your vision and goals. Hence, making it easier for them to fund you.
Whether you are a team, investor, or client, you must understand the importance of a business plan PowerPoint presentation. With the right strategy, you can influence anyone about your objectives and pitch your idea with an effective presentation. In this article, you will learn how to make a business plan presentation to grow your business.
What is a business plan presentation?
The purpose of a business plan presentation is to summarize a company’s strategic goals, operational details, and financial forecasts concisely and visually engagingly. It typically includes key information such as the business model, target market, competitive analysis, marketing strategy, and financial projections. The business plan aims to communicate the business concept, demonstrate viability to stakeholders, and secure support or funding.

Key elements Of A Business Plan Presentation
A business plan presentation must include certain content that accurately represents your ideas. Usually, about 10 to 12 slides are required for an effective presentation. The key elements of the business plan must include the following:
- Company Profile
- Market Analysis
- Customer Profiles
- Marketing And Sales Strategies
- Organizational Structure And Management
- Services And Products
- Financial Plan
- Executive Summary
Company Profile
Your plan must have details about the company profile and should be explained using infographics in your slides. With the right graphics, one can better understand your company and its objectives. The company profile usually includes the history of the company, an overview of products and services, its customers, and its targeted market.

Market Analysis
The market analysis in your business plan presentation explains the size of your target audience, the problem it solves, and the consumer’s needs. It should include the strengths and weaknesses of your products and services. It must also include competitors’ market research and how your product will handle the competition. This way, you can show your investors how your product will stand out from the competition and your Unique Selling proposition.

Customer Profiles
It is a sub-part of your market analysis. Your market research not only focuses on the competition but also the consumers. The customer profile includes most customers’ age, career, or location. It also includes their goals, problems, and behavior patterns. It can also provide how to attract that particular audience section and how they will trust your products. With customer profiles, you can determine the right price point, after-sales services, and market reach for consumers (both online and offline).

Marketing And Sales Strategies
Once you explain your products’ needs, the next step is to market them. It is best to have a better market analysis to understand the ins and outs of your targeted market. The strategies usually include budgets, communication channels, marketing goals, and the resources needed to sell the products. Any investor investing in your product will be more easily convinced if they see a foolproof plan that guarantees a solid return on investment. Nothing is better than showcasing your marketing and sales strategies and impressing investors with effective plans.

Organizational Structure and Management
The next order of business after your marketing strategy is the team. It is better to introduce your team and management people to make your investors acquainted with the ones in charge. Investors bet on the foundations, and your team is your foundation to grow your business It is easier for them to trust when they know who your team members are.
An organizational chart representing your team and explaining their work and roles in the project is a good start. It will also highlight the effective hierarchy of work and establish a formal order of command that is followed. This structure will ensure your team follows a professional work culture.

Services And Products
The services and products include tools that can benefit the targeted consumers. These tools include product canvas, value proposition canvas, and many others. Such tools ensure that the product fits the said customer. It also helps define your customer profiles and explains the market needs.

Financial Plan
The last but most important section of this business plan is the project’s financials. It is what the investors most care about. You can include the history data to establish your successful operations and how it will give you an edge in handling your new product.
Along with history, a future plan about how much funding you need and how you will execute your plan to use the said funding. You can use templates to save your time. They are available online. For example, try SlideUpLift templates to create a financial map for your investors. This plan must include all financial data and a plan B. This shows the investors that you are well prepared for all the situations.

Executive Summary
It is best to conclude your presentation with an executive summary. It is a great way to explain how and why your plan is the right step for them. You can also add features and services you will offer. A precise yet appealing conclusion can offer you an edge. You can take it as the perfect ending as it concludes your plan.

What is the difference between a business presentation & a business plan presentation?
A business presentation is a method of presenting information about your business. It can include marketing strategy or any other aspect related to the business.
On the other hand, a business plan presentation is a way to interact with your investors, shareholders, and the audience. It includes your objectives, market research, customer profile, financial stakes, and the core of your idea. The business plan PowerPoint presentation is a foolproof roadmap of how you will execute your idea into a business model.
How to make a business plan presentation?
A business plan presentation helps you explain your plan and execution strategies in an organized way through visuals. You can influence your audience with a good presentation that includes step-by-step interaction with all the sections. Each part and content of the presentation displays the need for your product and ensures trust and confidence for the investors. It is best to include useful information through a well-prepared visual aid and verbal explanation.
Here are the steps on how to create a business plan presentation:
Review essential business information
The first step is to review each element of your business plan closely. It acts as the base while collecting information for your presentation. It creates a firm foundation and effectively starts your business plan.
Research business competitors
You must also include your competitors’ information and statistics in your business plan presentation. With sufficient information and facts, you can help your product stand out. This information can help you build your reputation as a unique brand. This will create a professional and reliable image of your business for the consumers.
Network with prospective investors
Once you have collected the necessary information and prepared your strategies, the next step is approaching the right investors and stakeholders to showcase your business plan. You have higher chances of maximizing your investments by reaching the right audience. It also helps you understand and question your product in detail before you enter the market at your full capacity. Investors can also provide their valuable feedback, and all of this requires networking.
Recommended: Explore our Strategy Roadmap PowerPoint Template here!
Create a slide presentation of your business plan
The next step is to display your plan uniformly and convince them to put their money into your product. One can attract investors and stakeholders better with effective strategy and influential products. Slides presentation is a visual approach and is better at convincing investors than just sharing statistics tables.
Practice your business plan presentation
The final step is to practice your presentation before presenting. You can do a demo run of the presentation for your team members and understand the common doubts they have. A demo run can help you identify your faults and prioritize which section is more vital than others. Your team must also brainstorm questions your investors are likely to ask so that you are well-prepared beforehand.
Top 10 slides you need for a business plan presentation
You need at least ten slides to present your idea effectively. Covering one topic in each slide is more appealing as it helps the audience counter questions after each slide. Here are the top 10 slides you can add to the plan presentation:

Slide 1: The Title Slide
A title slide is an introduction to your presentation. Just add your business name, logo, slogan, and motto you believe in. You can begin your presentation with the next slide with just a few introductory lines.
Slide 2: The Problem Statement
As we discussed, it is better to come directly to your product and explain the problem it solves. Rather than beating around the bush, please focus on the facts and explain them with a story. You can also include effective infographics, fun facts, and engaging questions to increase audience attentiveness. You must ensure that your problem statement is short, clear, and easy to understand. This slide will shape your whole presentation. You will attract your audience’s attention by clearly conveying the problem your business solves.
Slide 3: Your Business Solution
Now, as soon as you discuss the problem, you must focus on the solution to how your products solve the problem and conclude the slide by connecting it with the story. You can add a step-by-step solution or use graphs to help your audience understand the process.
Slide 4: Your Pricing Plan
The following slide should discuss your price strategy. A more effective payment plan will only retain prospective customers. It is better to attract customers with appealing prices and impress them so they keep on purchasing your product or service. It is easier said than done. But once you convince investors of your problem/solutions, you must impress them with your revenue stream strategy. You may also add your competitors’ pricing to this slide to justify how reasonable your pricing plan is.
Slide 5: Business Operations Information
Briefly explain your business objectives and operations in your Business Plan Presentation. Add how you have planned to streamline your business operations to save time and resources. You can help them understand your work better by explaining it step-by-step.
Slide 6: Your Marketing Plan
Now you have a Problem statement and your solution. But how will you enter the market? How will you let your target audience know about your services and products? A product is as good as nothing if it doesn’t reach your customers’ hands. For this, you need a marketing strategy. Add your go-to market strategy to this slide. It helps investors understand how you will reach your targeted audience. The more you impress investors with a marketing strategy, the more chances you have of investment.

Slide 7: Industry Overview
This slide shows current industry conditions. It includes your competitors and how they are operating the market. Just keep the data fact-based to make it more credible.
Slide 8: Financial Projections
This slide displays how fast you will grow and what your investors can expect in returns. It will include money management and growth strategy as well. Add all the details about how much you will spend on various stages. Include your revenue and profit expectations for the following years as well. Financial projections for 3-5 years can help you reach your goals faster.
Slide 9: Your Team
This slide is an introduction to your team. Add all the crucial team members responsible for executing the plan. This will give investors a sense of your company’s hierarchy. And help them understand who is responsible for what. A well-established team with dedicated and motivated people always boosts investors’ and stakeholders’ confidence in the business.

Slide 10: Concluding Slide
The last slide must be an executive summary or a conclusion. This slide will discuss all the essential topics you discussed in a precise form and help you conclude better. Adding this slide is best; it helps your audience remember the vital topics and keeps them engaged throughout.
Business plan powerpoint presentation examples
There are thousands of business plan powerpoint presentation examples and templates you can select from. Besides basic free presentations, you can download executive summary templates, project management presentation templates, and other templates from many online resources. It is easier to select among these templates once you have a concept in mind. Even if you have no budget to buy premium PowerPoint templates, you can download a free template to cater to your needs from SlideUpLift’s website.
How to present a business plan presentation?
The best way to present your business plan is with PowerPoint presentations. You can use ready-made templates and edit them as per your requirements to ease the job. Usually, up to 15 slides must be displayed to display your overall execution strategy. But you can add or remove slides as per your content. Using simple vocabulary and easy-to-understand terminology for such business presentations is vital.
Most interesting presentations have a variety of graphs, tables, and infographics to engage the audience. You can also add a risk assessment to ensure you are prepared for every situation. With effective market and consumer research, you can convince investors better. Even if you have the best presentation, you might lose the opportunity if you don’t practice it well. Always practice presentations multiple times and be prepared for questions from investors.

Tips and Tricks to make your Business Plan powerPoint more Memorable
Here are some tips that can help you present your business plan presentation effectively and influence investors easily:
Focus on the Main Points
The presentation usually covers a vast range of topics and information. However, it is necessary to focus on the prioritized data. Most investors are more interested in financial data than understanding each other’s aspects. Provide precise yet critical points about each slide and ask questions after each topic to ensure they know everything. It is not ideal to explain each topic in detail as It will make your presentation boring.
Use Common Language
Use simple yet professional language for your presentation. Try to use easier words over technical language or over-the-top vocabulary, as it will make the presentation challenging to understand. Most financial data is already too entangled, and using confusing language can make it worse. Using simple, layman-like, and understandable language to express your viewpoint is better. Also, use infographics and graphs to make it more engaging and easy to grasp.
Genuinely Deliver Information
A presentation is a serious matter for your business. It is essential to maintain professionalism so that your investors can rely upon you with your money. Always stay excited and try to deliver information genuinely. Try to avoid using filler content. Write to the point and short content. Ensure your overall presentation is easy to read and skimmable.
Prepare for the Questions Beforehand
Always prepare an expected questionnaire for the investors. These must include all questions you and your team think your investor will be curious to ask. Put yourself in the investors’ shoes and think. If prepared beforehand, you can give accurate answers and include the necessary information.
Practice Again and Again
The best thing you can do is practice repeatedly. The more presentations you give, the better you will be at presenting them. It’s better to present twice in front of your team so you are prepared overall.
Time Management
Any presentation that goes on for long will eventually become boring. With just facts and data, your audience will lose interest. Hence, it is better to share necessary information quickly. Always time your presentation and try to keep it on point. This will maintain audience enthusiasm about your product and help you answer their questions correctly.

Mistakes to Avoid When Making A Business Plan Presentation
Sometimes, no matter how much you try, mistakes are unavoidable. But there is no harm in minimizing these to present your product efficiently. Hence, here are the most common mistakes one can avoid in a business plan presentation:
Not Timing Your Presentation
The most obvious mistake is not timing your presentation. If one fails to time the presentation, it can become extended and boring. It must catch up on the targeted goals and shouldn’t become repetitive. It is better to keep the presentation precise and short. With just 10 to 12 slides, one can present effectively and share the overall project without wasting time on unnecessary topics.
Focusing on Non-Essential Information in the Presentation
The presentation usually involves a variety of topics. You must focus on the priority topics more than the rest of the information. If each topic is explained thoroughly, it will consume a lot of time. Deciding what is necessary and what must be explained well is better. This also guides investors to understand what your primary goal is and what comes next.
Overloading Data
Refrain from overloading your presentation with information. Keep your slides’ data content precise and short. Also, explain it in keynotes, as explaining each topic will elongate the presentation. The audience can better understand your presentation with simple bullet points and visuals.
Lack of Graphs and Tables
A presentation is more engaging than raw data because of the infographics. It can be just a data dump if your presentation lacks graphs, tables, and other visuals. Creating a business plan presentation filled with visuals, color schemes, and easy-to-read fonts is better to keep the audience interested in your idea.
Ignoring Audiences and Their Needs
One of the blunders you can make while creating a presentation is to ignore your audience. You must prioritize your audience’s needs and keep pushing how your products solve those needs. You should buy your product and assess it like your consumers. This can decide whether your investor thinks your product is worth it.
Why you should choose SlideUpLift’s pre-made business plan presentation templates
A premade presentation template from SlideUpLift can offer you an edge and make the business plan presentation process much faster. Our ready-made, fully editable presentation template can be easily altered to your needs and likes in just a few clicks. You can add more or reduce the amount of data you want. With thousands of templates, SlideUpLift covers all bases to create your desired perfect presentation. Not only do we offer free PowerPoint templates, but we also have an exclusive variety of templates for Google Slides as well at affordable prices.
How To download SlideUpLift’s business planning templates?
The most essential step before downloading SlideUpift Templates is registering on our website. You can then login and select from a range of templates. Depending on your need, you can either pay for a template or select a free template for your presentation. In addition, we also offer membership plans if you are interested in getting various other services apart from professionally designed business plan presentations. The process of getting the membership and downling these templates is simple and easy to follow.
Here is a list of some of the best and most used templates from SlideUpLift:
- Executive Summary Templates For PowerPoint & Google Slides
- Project Management Presentations Collection PowerPoint Template
- Roadmap Templates For PowerPoint & Google Slides
- 30 60 90 Day Plan Collection For PowerPoint
- List Templates Collection For PowerPoint
- Business Planning Isometric PowerPoint Template
- One Page Strategic Plan PowerPoint Template
Business Plan Presentation — Conclusion
The best answer for how to make a business plan presentation is to use research data appealingly. A simple download template can be converted into an effective way to engage an audience and convince them to understand your business model.
With effective sales, marketing, and business strategies, a business plan presentation can showcase your objectives clearly and ensure your idea influences the investors. Your presentation can become a vision for your business, so it should inspire your investor as it motivates you.
With SlideUpLift, download, edit, and create your own version of a presentation that helps you to see the bigger picture. With attractive templates, fonts, and color schemes, find your own way to deliver your vision and display it in a structured manner.
What is a business plan presentation?
A business plan presentation is a way to interact with your audience to display your business plan. It is a detailed presentation that targets investors and shareholders to get inspired by the product and acquire funding for the business.
How do you create a business plan presentation?
The simplest way to create a business plan presentation is to download a premade template online. You can then edit it according to your needs. You must research the market, targeted audience, and your competition in-depth.
This will include information, and your business plan must include such data. Also, include a financial strategy to ensure your business is a wise choice for investment. One can also include sales marketing and awareness strategies to attract more customers. Finally, a risk assessment makes your plan more foolproof. Hence, including one will make your presentation more engaging
How to present a business plan presentation?
One can present a business plan presentation with at least ten slides. Each slide should include a topic and explain why the product stands out to the investors. Data must be kept short and precise, and graphs and infographics must be presented enough to engage the audience. With easy-to-understand language, more straightforward vocabulary, and effective planning, a presentation can inspire your audience and encourage them to invest more and more in your project.
What should be included in a business plan presentation?
The business plan presentation must include every detail of your overall business plan. It must include your team, operations, marketing, and sales strategies, and financial goals. Along with these, it must also include your mission, vision, objectives, and how you solve the issues. It should be a gateway to your product’s vision, so you must be precise and explain why and how it is essential.
Where do you find the best templates related to business plan PowerPoint?
There are hundreds of websites that offer business plan PowerPoint templates. Among others, SlideUpLift stands as the best there is to offer. With over 4000 templates, we cater to every professional’s needs. You can select free-of-cost, affordable, or exclusive templates depending on your needs. Professionally designed templates allow you to edit and create unique presentations as per your requirements. With SlideUpLift’s easily customizable templates, you can inspire the audience better.